Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ah, to be young again......

As I was typing up the book It's Christmas, David by David Shannon for the blog, I was laughing about the comments the students made as I read different pages.  They truly loved this book.  On one page, he writes his name in yellow in the snow.  Most of the kids thought he was using mustard (in their defense, it doesn't snow much in Texas).  They were properly scandalized when a classmate who knew better educated them.  There's always one in every class who delights in his sharing of his potty humor.  For once he got to shine! Also, no David book is complete without a scene where he strips down.  In this scene, the reader sees his hiney as he runs away.  Most of the kids were shocked and giggly.  One boy stated, "You shouldn't show that--there are girls in the room."  So glad to know that they've learned to keep their clothes on by kindergarten.  LOL.   Of course, it's always funny when someone else's kid does the shocking behavior instead of your own. 

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